Experiencing BaDoink Virtual Reality Porn For The First Time


San Francisco has a long background in the adult industry. From the Mitchell Brothers to Kink.com’s infamous Armory, the Bay Area has hosted many of the most important moments in porn’s history, so it’s only fair that BaDoinkVR — and what many are calling “the future of porn” — got a little test drive in the streets of the emblematic city.

BaDoinkVR came out armed with a virtual reality headset and some of its exclusive videos to give lucky bystanders their first taste of virtual reality porn.

Let’s face it, pretty much any person on this planet has seen porn on some level, but not as many have had the pleasure of experiencing BaDoink’s fully immersive VR technology.

Whether it’s by themselves or with their partners, random people got to watch BaDoinkVR’s 180 and 360 degree adult videos.

BaDoink VR

Their responses? Well, generally they were surprised to see themselves as an active part of the scene, instead of just being a lurking bystander. Some guys were happy to look down and see a six-pack where there’s never been one. Girls seemed excited about having bigger and/or perkier tits. What everyone does seem to agree on is that BaDoinkVR gave them a significantly more authentic and intense porn experience than they’ve ever thought possible before.

Check out the video for some hilarious and candid reactions.

VR Pimp
Independent blogger and virtual sex purveyor extraordinaire.