Welcome to VR Pimp


vr pimpWelcome to VR Pimp! I am an independent blogger and sex tech purveyor extraordinaire. Topics I cover include virtual reality, porn and high-tech sex. I provide content that is honest, informative and easy to understand. My goal is to both enlighten and entertain my audience.

Virtual reality will ultimately have many applications across a wide variety of platforms, but I will focus my coverage of VR on 2 of my favorite subjects – porn and sex. I will also discuss the development of other technologies and products that are likely to impact our sex lives and personal relationships.

I welcome and encourage you to ask questions and to share your experiences, advice and opinions here. I hope you will join me on what I believe is going to be an amazing ride into the ever-evolving worlds of virtual reality, porn and high-tech sex.

VR Pimp
Independent blogger and virtual sex purveyor extraordinaire.


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