VR Porn Niche Site Reviews


VR Porn Niche Site ReviewsStarting this week I will begin to post detailed reviews for VR porn niche sites. I will update the reviews when warranted as many of the sites are continuing to grow and develop very rapidly. I will also add more VR porn niche site reviews in the months and years ahead for any new websites that I feel deserve consideration.

My VR porn niche site reviews will follow the same format as my ongoing VR porn site reviews. The rating system will feature a maximum score of 5 stars for each category. The number of stars I award will be determined by making comparisons to the many other VR porn sites that I currently review.

Listed and described below are the 5 categories that will receive individual scores in each review.

1. Quality of VR – This is where I will grade the production quality of the VR audio and video. Specifically I will be looking at clarity, camera positioning, scale, speed (fps) and sharpness of the video.

2. Quality of Porn – Here I will assess how good the actual porn is. The score for this category will be most influenced by the talent and attractiveness of the models. And with VR emerging as a new style of porn, there will also be a creativity factor to consider here.


3. Quantity of VR Porn – When it comes to quantity, I am most interested in the amount of high quality VR porn videos available and not so much the total count. There can never be too much good VR porn!

4. Variety of VR Porn – This will be a tough category to score as niche sites are generally concentrating on 1 specific type of porn. I will judge this by the variety each site provides within their particular genre.

5. Website, Service, Extras – Some of the many variables in play for this final category are: website design and performance, service and support, price and payment options, extra items including free hardware and additional content.

The scores from all 5 categories will be combined and averaged to make up the overall score as shown below.

Quality of VR
Quality of Porn
Quantity of VR Porn
Variety of VR Porn
Website, Service, Extras
VR Pimp
Independent blogger and virtual sex purveyor extraordinaire.
vr-porn-niche-site-reviewsI will summarize my review for each VR porn niche site here. The highest possible overall score is 5 stars.